viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Nothing to be ashamed of...

How to get it started??...

Well, i´ve gotta say that i was a bit of a stranger referring to the term "slow food"....What is it and how come it has gained all these followers (mostly from the gastronomy sector)...turns out that slow food, was actually started in 1986...yes, that´s correct, so it is not as "new" as i thought it would be.

This non-profitable association  has it´s origins in Italy, where Carlo Petrini (sociologist and founder) who took a step into politics, started it between 1977-1986, when it tok the name of "ArciGola", wich after a few years (1989) evolve to what we know nowadays.

After it´s foundation in 1989, Slow Food International has been given the task to grant cultural dignity to local food and dietary practices around the world and to raise it between citizens, more important among  new generations who have grown in-between a globalized world that gives easy acces to inadequate dietary practices; it also aims awareness of our freedom to pleasure and taste.

It promotes the practice of a different quality of life based on fully respect of natural rate and time, environment and consumers health.

 It fights hard against the disappearance of local or typical food traditions  and the fact that people are loosing the interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our alimentary decisions affect the rest of the world.

It is thanks to this kind of associations that  we can now enjoy today great local or even regional food restaurants that rescues traditions and cooking methods such as Restaurant Noma (Denmark) wich is the best restaurant in the world, so what does it tells you??...honestly!

For me when it comes to eat, there is nothing more rewarding than to eat a perfect plate of enchiladas, or a good mole i mean i´m a chef and i love to cook international plates i enjoy it and i love it, but at lunch time i´m sure i don´t want to waste my time nor my money in "filling my stomach" i want this is it!!....let us fall in love with our own food, with our own traditions that saw us grow up, let us be the publicists of ourselves of who we are and where we come from.

Now, what can i say about Mexican food??´s all good, i mean this global food and fast food "restaurants", could never dream about deliver what we are expecting, ´cause they don´t even know us, they don´t even care about us, their main objective is to sell so if you are expecting something as great as it is to open the door and smell your mom´s food...pfff   FORGET IT; i think it would be a good thing of you give it a second thought when you are deciding what to eat, or where to eat it, wake up people, let´s not settle for less than fresh and sustentable food.

Currently, mexican´s diet is socially stigmatized, by the wrong idea that our diet is not healthy, and we buy it!....even when we don´t really understand what healthy really is, but i´ll tell you one thing there is nothing wrong on having a high fiber diet (tortillas), that includes dairy fresh products, vegetal protein from legumes such as beans (that we love) and low cost animal protein from insects, and what can i say about let´s put it together for mexican food and traditions, ´cause there is nothing to be ashamed of!!